Transform your Business with help of Generative AI

rtificial intelligence (AI) is growing fast. In the last couple of years, we’ve seen AI be used to automate tasks like customer support, fraud detection and language translation. But until recently, AI has primarily sought to analyze and understand data that already exists. With the rise of generative AI, AI is now creating content and models from scratch. For example, instead of just using AI to find optimal keywords for an internet article, companies are now able to create an entire, coherent article from beginning to end.

My proximity to this emerging technology has shown me just how much opportunity Generative AI has to transform business. Its capabilities span countless industries as businesses use it to create entirely new content such as articles, musical compositions, art, graphics, podcasts and even videos. With the ability to create something from scratch, Generative AI is catalyzing the next wave of artificial intelligence.
Recent advancements in Generative AI have been exponential and astonishing.
2022 has become the year that Generative AI really came on the map, but the technology has been around for several years. It first became popular in 2014 when generative adversarial networks (GANs) were developed to create realistic images from noise maps. In 2017, however, we were introduced to the transformer, which is the deep learning architecture that underlies large language models (LLMs) that can read, summarize and translate texts to generate sentences from scratch. The transformer rendered AI capable of generating text, software code and protein structures, significantly leveling up its capabilities.

When most people think of Generative AI, they think of OpenAI’s image generator DALL-E. An early version of DALL-E used the transformer to create images from text, but this soon made way for Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) in 2021. This technique was used in conjunction with diffusion in DALLE-2, which was able to create even higher-resolution images with spectacular details. DALLE-2 made an incredible leap to picture-perfect images you would be hard-pressed to believe weren’t man-made.
But it’s not just image generation that has seen exponential growth recently. Large Language Model size has been growing 10x every year for several years. The growth in LLMs allowed OpenAI to release GPT-3, a language model that was trained to predict the next word in a sentence, which in turn allowed it to generate written content that seemed indistinguishable from how humans talk and write. (And no, this article was not written by a computer).

Generative AI stands to have a profound, transformative effect on many occupations.
The ability to create content from scratch can be useful to almost any business. For companies looking to build their brand, an image generator like DALLE-2 allows them to create a high-quality business logo in seconds. For marketing teams putting out content, Generative AI can produce SEO-optimized articles almost instantly. The healthcare sector can use Generative AI to generate better diagnoses and more personalized treatments. GANs can create high-resolution versions of lower-quality images, improving the quality of old medical materials and records.
But Generative AI can do much more than create a photo or an article. It can also generate data not available in the real world, allowing researchers to test new machine learning algorithms or deep learning architectures. For example, if you trained a Generative AI system on a dataset of images of cars, it can generate new concept cars of different shapes, sizes and configurations. This can build a more diverse dataset with which to train your AI algorithm or unleash ideas for new product designs.

Generative AI is augmentative.
Naturally, many people fear that Generative AI will take jobs away from humans. After all, with the ability to create an image or article out of thin air at your fingertips, what need is there for a graphic designer or copywriter? But in my experience, Generative AI is most effective when used to augment and add to human potential, not to replace it.
For example, a company looking to promote its new product with SEO-optimized content can use Generative AI to greatly streamline the process. Instead of spending time researching keywords and writing SEO content, they can use Generative AI as a catalyst for idea generation and rapid iteration—making Generating AI a smart collaborator that amplifies human creativity and impact.
While Generative AI can do a lot, I don’t believe it’s going to become the next Beethoven or Hemingway. There’s a difference between an AI-generated jingle on a 30-second commercial and crafting a game-changing symphony. Generative AI is capable of incredible things, but it is fundamentally about permutations and combinations of existing information. It can augment our potential and eliminate tedious and menial tasks, but it can’t replace our ingenuity.

How can you adopt generative AI in your business?

With Generative AI advancing so quickly, it’s imperative for business leaders to understand how to integrate the technology into their company. Research is essential before investing in new technology and identifying possible AI implementation opportunities.
First, identify the problem you want to solve, then research AI tools that can help you solve it. For example, if you’re experiencing low engagement, Generative AI can help you personalize content to enhance sales conversions and improve service.
You should define your expectations before adopting any AI system. Are you looking for specific, measurable results? Can the new technology improve your workflow to a high enough level to be cost-effective? Implementation and support strategies are important to ensure a smooth rollout of new technologies. Ensure that you identify realistic expectations and that you’re supported during implementation.
Don’t just adopt the latest technology to keep up with the competition. If you plan and do your research, you can get the most out of what Generative AI has to offer.

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